种草和拔草是什么意思 “种草、拔草、长草”都是什么意思?用英语怎么说?

栏目:美食 2021-11-25 18:25:10
随着换季到来,最近各大时尚美妆博主以及明星都在通过社交媒体平台为粉丝安利各种产品,让不少的女生对于心仪的东西“种草”。大家有没有“种草”一些有趣又好用的产品呢? “种草”用英语该如何表达吗?难道是"plant seeds"?一起来学习一下吧~在互联网时代,“种草”一词不再指传统意义上的植树种草了,这里的“种草”是指安利一件商品,激发人们的购买欲望,即 the desire to buy a particular product or experience something; 或influencing, or being influenced to long for a particular product or experience something。那么用英语表达的话,我们可以用:really interested inPreviously, if I had been really interested in a book, I would race from page to page, eager to know what came next.在这之前,如果我迷上了一本书,我会一页一页的朝前翻,急于想知道下文的究竟。 long for sthHe longs for something new after graduation.他毕业之后呢,对一些新的东西很心水。自己种草的东西自然要向闺蜜“安利”啰!那么,“安利”的英语又是怎么说呢?recommend 推荐;介绍If someone recommends a person or thing to you, they suggest that you would find that person or thing good or useful.例句

I strongly recommend Kung Pao Chicken - it's delicious.


I have just spent a holiday there and would recommend it to everyone.




Stop advertising anything about your idol.

别再安利你的偶像了。当然,用recommend这个词里,语气还算是比较客观,而另一个有强烈推荐意味,甚至是诱导性,或是“洗脑”式的推荐时,可以用coerce。coerce: 强制;胁迫;迫使If you coerce someone into doing something, you make them do it, although they do not want to.例句:Clark had somehow been able to coerce Jenny into doing whatever he told her to do.不知是用什么办法,克拉克总能让珍妮对他言听计从。具体到某些情景下的推荐呢,可以这么表示:This jacket is a must-buy.这件夹克是个“种草单品”。Have you watched the new perioddrama? It's a must-see!你看过那部新出的古装剧吗?这部剧必看!

那么除了“种草”之外,你知道“长草”“狂草”和“拔草”分别是指什么意思吗?长草the growing desire to buy a particular product or experience something想要购买某件商品或体验某件事的欲望逐渐膨胀例句:I've been longing to buy this facial mask.我长草这款面膜很久了。狂草the desire to buy a particular product has gone wild想要购买某件东西的欲望一发不可收拾

拔草no longer longing for something or removing something from shopping cart指不再挂念某物或者从购物车里移出某件东西例句:I removed that perfume from my shopping cart.我拔草了那款香水。值得注意的一点,“长草”是自发自愿地想要购买某样东西,而“种草”既可以给自己种,也可以给别人种,还可以被别人种,涵盖的范围更广。翻吧